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Old 12-16-2000, 03:44 PM   #2
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Lawn Gisland, NY

Given that UFAs from human-controlled teams make higher demands than other UFAs, not renegotiating any contracts in FOF2001 is a greater sacrifice than in FOF2. I've been fooling around with a "holy hand grenade" rule, where I'm allowed to renegotiate or trade three contracts -- 4 shalt thou not count, and 5 is right out. That's difficult enough for me.

However, I sense that the only way you won't dominate is to prohibit yourself from signing a QB who has been to the Pro Bowl. If this seems too unrealistic, if you do wish to sign such a QB, you must make him the highest paid QB in the league.

"To all of those here who work in marketing or advertising: kill yourselves." -- Bill Hicks

"Christianity's such an odd religion. The whole image is that eternal suffering awaits anyone who questions God's infinite love" -- Bill Hicks
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