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Old 07-25-2014, 02:58 PM   #321
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
In my work life, I'm a fairly public figure and do a bit of speaking, so I still get a fair number of the "you look great" stuff, with some of them (amusingly, but understandably) coming to me with a bit of hesitation, as people worry that my somewhat drastic weight loss might have arisen from illness.

I still desire foods I no longer eat. While I have found that my sympathies for animal rights arguments in general have grown once I had less personal guilt/stake in them, I'm still in this for health reasons, and the moral arguments enough would not be enough to prevent me from drifting back, I don't think.

My funniest weak moments are actually with smells - particularly fried chicken. I wasn't a huge fan back when I ate plenty of meat (even when I was doing low carb to varying degrees) but now I don't think there's a more provocative smell. I recently traveled on an all-inclusive cruise and separately to NOLA, and both settings were tempting, but I managed without major difficulty.

I have mostly given up soda as well. I occasionally get the Zevia brand of stevia-sweetened stuff (not exactly sure why I bend there) and I have moments of weakness in bars when I order a diet cola infused drink. Yeah, alcohol is another area where I could really afford to do better if I were really being honest with myself and serious about things. I joke that I was on a "bourbon and french fries" diet during my last super busy stretch of a few months at work. More true than I'd like to admit (the new bourbon-themed bar with great fries and no other vegan options 150 yards from my office is a curse, I say).
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