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Old 07-25-2014, 02:16 PM   #319
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
Originally Posted by Kodos View Post
Thanks for your thoughts, Quik. I really value your opinion on this topic, as you are one of the folks who helped nudge me onto my current path.

Very gratifying to hear that, particularly since it seems to be working for you as part of a larger smarter approach.

I'm basically still in the same orbit I have been in for a while - down about 50 pounds from pre-diet, all my bloodwork very good, and no medication other than occasional B-12 and iodine supplements. I have fallen short of some goals for this summer, but hope that a recent intra-family challenge might provide the swift kick I need to get back out running. Maybe this thread and mini-confession could help too.

I'm still guilty of too much bad food in my generally good approach. I order fried potatoes more than is reasonable, often for lack of good options, and still eat more grains (even white grains) than I wish I did. So, I still consider myself a work in progress on those fronts. But I have not deliberately broken the "no animal products" pledge for more than 3 years - for me, I think that clarity of that as a rule has been important, as a pledge to "do better at this" or "eat less of that" doesn't have the same pull, I think. I am not a very disciplined person - my relative success at this is an aberration, basically.

(lifts a spinach smoothie glass)
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