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Old 11-18-2003, 10:37 AM   #21
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Chicago
Pre-Season Training Results

With all of the new acquisitions in the midfield, we’ve made a concerted effort during the off-season to improve the conditioning of our players. This week was no exception, as our lads have been running laps…lots and lots of them. All those laps and sprints really paid off this week, as no fewer than a dozen of our players showed marked improvement in their stamina:

#6 Midfielder Agustin Alustiza -> excellent (8)
#10 Midfielder Milan Dufek -> excellent (8)
#19 Midfielder Gino Behling -> solid (7)
#20 Winger Walter Bosch -> solid (7)
#14 Forward German Galvez -> solid (7)
#7 Midfielder Rune Kolberg -> solid (7) (2 level improvement)
#12 Forward Guido Metman -> solid (7)
#15 Forward Forrest “Gump” Tobias -> solid (7)
#1 Goalkeeper Cornelius “Corny” Jernigan -> passable (6)
#2 Central Defender Cameron “Big Mac” McDonald -> passable (6)
#23 Winger Ivan Richardy -> passable (6)
#9 Winger Ad Taxwell -> inadequate (5)

It’s good to see our young midfielders rapidly approaching the level of match fitness that we’ve come to expect. However, we’re going to have to take a break from all the conditioning, as our overall form is getting dangerously low (we’re averaging only 5.3). Hopefully, after a few weeks of recovery we’ll be able to come back and finish the job.

Form Changes

2 players improved in form this week:
-Midfielder Agustin Alustiza -> passable (6)
-Winger Ivan Richardy -> weak (4)

14 players saw their form remain the same this week.

5 players dropped in form this week:
-Goalkeeper Darryl Read -> inadequate (5) (A 2 level drop)
-Midfielder Jaimy van de Kerkhof -> inadequate (5)
-Midfielder Milan Dufek -> weak (4)
-Wingback Ben McMahon -> poor (3)
-Forward Forrest “Gump” Tobias -> wretched (2)

All five of these players will be participating in our U.S. Open Cup match on Wednesday, in hopes to bring them up to decent form levels.

In The Zone

Despite all of the conditioning training we’ve been conducting lately, three players have stubbornly refused to let their match form drop below good levels (all are in solid (7) form):

-Forward Johannes Henriksson
-Wingback Arlen “Headcase” Lucas
-Forward Guido Metman (despite being injured)

Form Dog

This week’s dubious form dog award belongs to none other than Forrest “Gump” Tobias, whose wretched (2) form marks the low point for any Seaman in quite some time. We’re going to try to get Forrest some playing time soon, but either way it is very likely that his days with SSFC are numbered.

Player Values

Average Player Value: $272,778
Total Player Value (21 players): $4,910,000

No Assessed Value Milestones This Week

Up Next: The weekly youth pull and financial update. Stay tuned!
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