Thread: 2014 MLB Thread
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Old 04-03-2014, 02:38 PM   #435
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
Originally Posted by TroyF View Post
I really like Scoscia. Maybe he's been there too long, but I still like him. I'm not sure what he's supposed to do.

He gets Pujos and Hamilton to put in the middle of his order and they play like guys who should be hitting 6th and 7th in the order. They have two good guys at the front of the rotation, one or two relievers worth a crap, one up and coming pitcher in Skaggs (who hasn't pitched yet this year) and then paper clips and glue. What exactly is the guy supposed to manage with?

I disagree with the talent how you put it here. There's some thought that Richards is better than Skaggs. If they're both up and coming, that's four-fifths solid pitching, and Santiago isn't bad either, although he didn't look it last night. I agree that the pen continues to be an issue, but I have always felt if there is one area that is always ripe for mismanagement, it is the pen. And the Angels have had some good relief guys go to crap here. It happens far too often, really. I have seen some very strange moves from Scioscia over the years with the pen, going to the wrong guy at the wrong time or pulling a guy too soon or too late.

As for the lineup, if guys consistently under perform, you have to start looking at management. The underperformance of hitters in Anaheim has cost two hitting coaches their jobs the past three seasons. At some point, you have start looking at the manager. And he has made odd lineup decisions and relied too much on old school thinking at times, and with his over-emphasis on defense at some spots, like catcher. Having a defense first guy in the lineup is fine--if he's at least within a whisker of league average hitting. If he's riding the Mendoza line, no defense is worth that. Scioscia also isn't much for plate discipline. Very much a hit to make contact guy, which lowers the OBP and increases strikeouts. None of this helps the offense (which nonetheless manages to get runs in spite of this because of the talent in the lineup).

It sounds like I can't stand Scioscia and that's not true at all. I think he's a terrific players manager, and he definitely brings value to the clubhouse. But at some point, something has to give and if your team is looking at a fourth or fifth straight poor start to the season and the fifth straight year not making the playoffs in the country's #2 media market, you're not doing your job.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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