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Old 11-17-2003, 12:41 AM   #76
Captain Obvious
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Norman, Oklahoma
Okay here is the updated lists and stuff, I have also slightly changed the formula for points calculations. I will start tracking planes that have to turn back to england before the bomb run. these planes will not recieve any bonus for damage done. So far all of our medals have been from shooting down lots of planes by one person. I am hesitant to give those planes an added bonus, and there is a pretty decent sized list of medals, Some of which i have no idea as to how worthy they should be, and what conditions are needed to be awarded one. At a future time I may decide to award a small amount of points for a medal, but until i have a better idea I will hold off on awarding points for medals.

New Formula
(Completion + Special Mission Bonus + (E/A Kills x2) - (Kia Crewmembers x 3) + (Damage Done))x modifier

Mission Completion 5 points ( you have to take off and land the plane to get this)

Special Mission bonus between 10-30 points

Damage Done
0 Miss
1 Near Miss (This actually means you hit some of the site, just nothing important i believe)
2 Light Damage
3 Moderate
4 Heavy
5 Totally Destroyed

Modifier is still 1x-3x based on the mission difficulty.

Thread Killer extraordinaire

Yay! its football season once again!
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