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Old 11-17-2003, 12:21 AM   #74
Captain Obvious
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Norman, Oklahoma
12/10/1943 Harnes Oil Facility

Todays facility has us attacking the Harnes Oil Facility. This facility is a sister facility to Lievens Oil Facility. If we can severly damage this facility we will put a severe damper on the production in this area. There is only one other oil production facility, and it mainly produces low grade fuels. This site has also had higher than usual activity around the site over the past week. We are hoping to capitalize on this and destroy whatever the germans are working on.

The Four Horsemen, Mighty Madness, TommyKnocker, Golden Bomber, Wind Dancer, and The Flying Crawfish will be flying todays mission.

This is another short mission, which should only last for several hours and is less than 600 miles.

By 8am we have reached the coast of france and turn towards our target. We quickly are attack by 2 groups of planes, some 109's and some 111's Golden bomber is on the money today as their tail gunner takes out 4 fighters as they attempt to attack us from below. The flying crawfish show why they are here as they play chicken with a 109 and win. Just as the action starts to die down another two groups or 109's attack our formation. The Four Horsemen, Mighty Madnes, Golden Bomber The Flying crawfish and Wind Dancer all take out one plane. The other three planes are engaged by our fighters and destroyed. The target site is a bit cloudly, but we have faith in our lead bomber Tommy Knocker. They serve us well and really clobber the site. On the way back towards england, Derek M. Lawson on board the Flying Crawfish, accidently trips over some ammo crates and hurts his ankle pretty bad. Tim P. Pesonen from WindDancer also recieves a flesh wound from some flak on the way in. The rest of the mission is uneventful.

Thread Killer extraordinaire

Yay! its football season once again!
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