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Old 11-17-2003, 12:01 AM   #73
Captain Obvious
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Norman, Oklahoma
12/7/1943 Lievens Oil Facility

The crews awoke before the dawn hours for their missions briefing. Outside the ground crews checked out planes, and loaded bombs, fuel, and ammo onto the planes.

Our target today is Lievens Oil Facility. Recons flights show abnormally high activity for such a small production facility. You will be carrying incendiary devices since they store fuel there.

Our departure time is 8:00am, expect moderate to heavy flak, and some enemy aircraft. The Luftwaffe has increased patrols in the area due to increased bombing. Here is the list of planes flying

CloudSplitter, Rustbacket, Flying Plantain, Crawling Chaos, Hitler Sucks and Stormbringer

We finally get into the air and head towards our target. The crews seem happy to be flying another short mission at under 600miles. They should be back for a late lunch if everything goes well. The flight is uneventful until well inside france. Suddenly 4 109's dive into our bomber group. Cloudsplitter Is on the ball today and takes out two as they pass through us. The two remaining aircraft turn around and make another pass. They get lucky this time, and rake the aft of Cloudsplitter. The tailgunner gets hit in the process. No-one knows how serious his wounds are. On the third pass Rustbucket takes down one of the fighters, and The Flying Plantain hits another one in the fuel take because it isntantly explodes and nearly misses Hitler Sucks. We near the target when another 3 planes attack our formation. This time the fight is without incident and 2 of the planes are taken out by cloudsplitter and the final plane is hit by hitler sucks.

We reach the target and under heavy flak drop our bombs taking out some of the structures(The game is wierd about what constitutes totall destruction, it dosent always concide with hitting all of the objects at the target site, just the ones deemed important i guess).

On the way back I order us up another 2k feet to climb out of the flak attacks. During this climb Roy J. onboard the Rustbucket gets hit by some shrapnel. Mike E. Kunzel aboard stormbringer also gets hit by some flak and it cut badly. Luckily neither men is hurt to bad. We fly back to the base and land safely.

Thread Killer extraordinaire

Yay! its football season once again!

Last edited by Airhog : 11-17-2003 at 12:06 AM.
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