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Old 11-15-2003, 04:58 PM   #22
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
I have my ideas for how I want my football teams to play, of course, but I have found that, unless you're incredibly lucky, you don't end up with a team that fits your philosophy too well when you first start a game.

As such, rather than trying to fit the square peg into the round hole, I'm going to try to adapt a philosophy that suits this team best, and move it gradually to a system I am more comfortable with.

On offense, I feel that my best chance to move the ball is on the ground. Shipp may not be a great outside runner, but he can move the pile. And Smith should be nice for a change of pace. Also, I don't have much confidence in the passing game.

As for that passing game, I have very little in the way of steady receivers, and a quarterback who is much better throwing long than displaying anything resembling touch on short passes. So when I do pass, I will probably be rather vertical.

Defensively, I have good depth int he front seven, and they all seem to be big time hitters. That tells me I should play this one aggressive. Overall, this team isn't particularly smart defensively, so by playing aggressive, I should be able to counter the need for too much play recognition. Of course, I'll beburned by play action fakes and the like, but what can I do? Hopefully, I'll force many turnovers and rack up the sacks.

In the secondary, I will probably go with a bump and run philosophy. Starks is a fine, physical corner and my starting safeties are big and nasty. I may need to double-cover corner 2, since Barrett and anyone likely to replace him aren't very good at al. I wish I could say I would go with a flat zone or man-to-man, but I simply have too much variance in my players to make either work. If I go with one, then I'll have a fine man defender playing zone instead, or the other way, vice versa.


I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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