Thread: Severe Weather
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Old 11-18-2013, 06:50 AM   #335
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Dayton, OH
My wife left the house yesterday to take my son somewhere sometime between 6 and 6:30. After she leaves, literally a minute later the tornado sirens start going off... so I check the news and they basically say we are right in the path.

They tend to err on the side of caution here with that stuff, I knew it most likely wasn't a tornado, but better to be safe then sorry. My other son and our pets head down to our basement and into the laundry room. My wife only went a few blocks away, but didn't take her cell phone. My son called after they got there and said they would stay over there for a bit.

My wife said our van was rocking from side-to-side pretty heavily while she was parked waiting for my oldest son to come back from picking something up at a grandparents' house. She decided just to head on in that house while the worst of the storm came through. As I was upstairs talking to her on the phone, I heard something "clunk" on our roof, hopefully it was just a small branch and not a loss of some shingles or something. The winds were definitely fierce as I heard them from the inside, but definitely was not a tornado.

Fun times.
My listening habits

Last edited by Butter : 11-18-2013 at 06:51 AM.
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