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Old 07-18-2013, 04:47 PM   #288
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: NJ
1974 Off Season
Al Bumbry gets $160K in arbitration, ughh. Don Durham gets $189K in arbitration, double ughh.

Dennis Musgraves wants about $60K a year to be a middle reliever. Sorry dude, but no. We let him walk. Mike Henninger will take over his short relief role.

We've got some guys in the last year of their contracts that we need to work on.

McCovey agrees to a 2 year deal worth $260K per, which saves us over $200K, so that's nice.

Bleh, Ed Brinkman wants a big raise, from $72K to around $300K. He deserves it, but I just can't afford it. I work him down to a 4 year deal worth $255K per season. I think I'll regret that but whatever.

Ed Bumbry agrees to a 7 year deal worth $135K per season.

We have two young Starting Pitchers, Eric Raich who finished last year in the rotation and won ROTY, and Currence Lafayette who has the most awesome name ever, so we have to move or find new roles for Don Durham & Mike Caldwell.

We send Don Durham to the White Sox for $183K.

Mike Caldwell will step in as our new lefty short man and Mike Pazik will move to middle relief.

Fred Klages is in his last year and he wants a raise to over $700K. Hate this quandry. I shop him but I don't think I can get near what he's worth. I'd love to resign him but that number would break my books. I guess I'll just let him play out the year.

We send two decent pitching prospects, Hank Webb & Roger Weaver, to the Twins for $91K.

We send 19 year old, pretty good pitching prospect Hal Dues to The Orioles for $259K.

We send 20 year old, decent relief prospect Tom Hausman to the Astros for $146K.

We send 21 year old left fielder Steve Henderson to the Tigers for $127K. He's a good prospect, borderline everyday player, we just don't have room for him.

I'm starting to see the decline in Dick Simpson. He's 30 years old and owed $295K for the next four seasons. I fear I've got the beta version of Rob Deer on my hands here. I shop him and nobody is biting, oofah.

I work out a deal with the Astros in which I'd send Simpson & catcher Jay Kleven to them in exchange for 25 year old pitcher Craig Endres. I need to do it now before it's too late so I pull the trigger. I turn around and ship Endres to Oakland for $69K.

Greg Luzinski will get the gig in LF and Matthews will move to RF. This is pretty much a one year thing as youngster Jim Rice is burning through our system and should be ready to take over LF next year.

So yeah, our pitching has turned over quite a bit, we have new 4th and 5th starters but I really like them both. Klages is in the last year of a deal and I don't think we'll be able to resign him. Our pen is probably a little weaker but should still be ok. We have a few nearly ready pitching prospects in the minors but the quality and depth has been depleted.

Javier and McCovey are getting old, and Luzinski stepping into the 5th hole is a major unknown. I wont hesitate to insert Lou Piniella into LF if Luzinski struggles. I've elected to sit McCovey versus lefties, Luzinski will play 1B and Piniella will play LF.

We have some decent prospects in the lower levels and the aforementioned Jim Rice will start the year in AA but it shouldn't be long before we move him up. In any event he's my future superstar that I see the next generation being built around.

Our finances still aren't in great shape even though our payroll has come down some and we've added a lot of money. Most of the gains we made this off season will be gone through by the time the seasons over so we'll see where we're at then.

One things for sure, i'm less sure of this team than any team I've had in a long while, but the starting pitching should still be great, and that's what wins, so on with the 1974!
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