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Old 11-10-2003, 09:06 AM   #248
Hockey Boy
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Royal Oak, MI
Originally posted by bbor
What's up with the Wings?

Do they miss Feds this much?Or is the Cujo/Hasek thing getting to them?

Or is it that they are really old?

Or is it that they loss Hatcher for the year?

Or is it "E" All of the above.

I reckon it's "E" and then some...

They definitely miss Feds. He was really the only player on the team who could carry the puck from end to end with any kind of speed and skill. He was fast and when on, was really on. They lack that zip and punch now offensively.

The CuJo/Hasek thing has gotten ugly. Apparently there are rumors that it is dividing the locker-room and that Hasek gets pissed whenever any player talks nice with CuJo. I am sure that is an exaggerated take on the situation, but I bet it aint great. Hasek has been known to be a bit of a headcase. Remember when he was staying at some Ottawa Senator's house while the Sabres were playing them in the play-offs? There was something weird like that going on, he had a groin injury. Who the hell knows.

People are begining to see the Hasek as a selfish, in it for himself type of guy. This, of course, would not be the situation if he actually played well. If he does start playing well, people will think the opposite. Right now, sucking as he has, people are claiming he came back for the money, to avoid legal troubles in the Czech Republic, and to promote his struggling line of clothing. Who knows...

Losing Hatcher was a big blow to the psyche of the team, I think. They were all set to become this defensive-minded team with big, bruising Hatcher at its core. Hatcher goes down, the center cannot hold... It all gots to sh*t. The Wings weren't all that sound in their defensive end last year during the play-offs. It's carried over.

Also, Legace is interesting. He's never had any real success has a #1 goalie and seems to be good one year and not so great the next. It's odd and based off only my thinking with no current statsitcal data to back it up with.
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