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Old 05-31-2013, 12:29 AM   #11
Julio Riddols
College Prospect
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Bryson Shitty, NC
I of course would be cool with that as well, father. From what I know so far, this all got underway with everyone ganging up and voting Gregor Clegane an enemy of the realm. From the outset, it was everyone against the Lannisters, and it kind of still is, except now it seems Renly has thrown his lot in with what is left of the Lannister clan. Both of those two appear to be sinking ships.

Initially it appeared the two houses Baratheon were going to ally against the Lannisters and then turn on the Starks, but it seems that the rift between brothers caused by the early beheading of Clegane by Stannis has widened to an irreparable state. Now with the Starks appearing to have Brienne of Tarth willing to bend her knee and abandon the Renly Baratheon cause and our fresh entry into the game, we're in prime position to seize a foothold and work it to our advantage to later seize the throne.

I was thinking the king of the north would like to hear that I am still loyal to him and plan to ultimately stab you in the back, father, and he may believe it due to our "rocky relationship"... If I can get him to believe it enough, we can turn that knife after everyone else's heads rest on our pikes.
Recklessly enthused, stubbornly amused.

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