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Old 05-30-2013, 09:44 AM   #303
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Troy, Mo
Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo View Post
My parents got me a golden when I was 2. Grew up with it. When I was in 5th grade it had a grand mal seizure in the middle of the night and my dad drove it in and had it put down without even waking me up to say goodbye. I'm 33 years old now and that still makes me cry thinking about it. In fact...I'm getting wet eyes here at my desk right now.

So loveable, but they can have a lot of medical problems due to the inbreeding I guess.

RIP Benny.

Wow.. that's horrible.

Seizures are such a crazy condition because it's just try this and that to see if they can be controlled. Benny was so drugged up that he couldn't live his life like a dog should. He gained a ton of weight and we even cut his food in half.

I never want to go through that again and my wife said we could go pick out a new Benny and I just can't do it for the fear of what we just went through for a year and a half.

He was such a great dog and one day out of the blue he had 9 seizures and we rushed him to the hospital and from that day on his whole life changed in the blink of an eye.

He was such a trooper though, never letting anyone know he was struggling to keep up with his condition. I'm still fighting the thought of, "was it the right time?" and still feel the agony of putting him down yesterday.

Makes me feel really old too.. and knowing that eventually we all have to go and see our maker. Puts life into a perspective for me and makes me love the time we had with him even more.

I miss him very much... I had a dream last night that this whole ordeal was a dream in itself and Benny was still around.
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