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Old 05-20-2013, 01:41 PM   #17
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Seattle, WA
I wasn't given abilities as much as a positive and negative.

My positive is that I cannot be assassinated as long as Brienne is in the game.
My negative is that I cannot kill Loras if it came to that. I'm not sure why that is a negative -- I'll have to revisit the rules when I get a chance.

I would think the only other side with ships is Stannis, who likely has more than we do and probably some sort of magic ability. I suspect the Lannisters have some kind of wildfire to protect Kings Landing. Not sure what Stark would have offhand, guessing either some sort of battlefield bonus or something to do with direwolves.

I'll come up with a Hand decision later this afternoon. I'm checking in between reports. I like our team.
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
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