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Old 11-07-2003, 12:07 PM   #383
Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: Placerville, CA
Originally posted by Tasan
I give you the following list, if, and only if, you absolutely want to fill out the ranks. If not, just ignore this, and I'll pick from it as we go.

QB Gary Kubiak, Texas A&M
DT Keith Guthrie, Texas A&M

OG Rick Cunningham, Texas A&M
OG Tommy Robinson, Texas A&M
OT Matt Darwin, Texas A&M
OT Jason Mathews, Texas A&M
DT Lance Teichelman, Texas A&M
DE Rod Saddler, Texas A&M
LB Jeff Paine, Texas A&M
LB Larry Kelm, Texas A&M
LB Steve Bullitt, Texas A&M
CB Wayne Asberry, Texas A&M
CB Mickey Washington, Texas A&M
S Chris Crooms, Texas A&M

Well, as the rules state above, we can only have so many of each player. From your list, and the list of guys that have already been submitted, I can add everyone but Kubiak and Guthrie.

I have no control over whether a guy ends up as an OLB or ILB - the draft file only specifies "LB" and his position is determined by FOF upon import. Same goes for Safeties.
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