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Old 03-12-2013, 09:28 AM   #67
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
All right, had time to get a handle on the rules, and here's my breakdown of the roles, mostly for my own purpose but I'll put it here.

4 Roled Villagers
1 (Winston) with the possibility of becoming roled
X Vanilla Villagers

1 (Slimer) other than looking for Ventman, is a villager, scans as evil
2 (Zuul and Vinz) have the potential to become wolves, scan good until converted
1 (Walter) who counts as a villager but is on the wolf team, knows one wolf, scans good

1 (Librarian Ghost) Brutal
2 (Terror Dogs) Wolves looking for Zuul and Vinz.
X (Ghosts) Vanilla Wolves

With 17 signups, one somewhat neutral party, two converts, I'm going to assume it is 13-1-3. Based on looking at the terror dogs from the movie, it sounds like there's probably two of them that "possess" the villagers they convert. I would guess the "ghosts" were there in case signups hit 20. However, given that the busters have proton packs, it's possible that there's 4 wolves I'd say to balance that out.

Since it lists that the Keymaster is looking for the Gatekeeper and vice versa, I wonder if they actually join the wolf team, or become independent wolves. There's some question there about how that mechanic works that we should keep in mind. But as for now, I think we've got three wolves and some pretty good villager powers, so let's go!
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