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Old 02-08-2013, 10:11 AM   #256
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: The Great Northwest
Originally Posted by McLovin View Post
Not an everyday poster but need to vent. I brought my 17 year old male cat Max to the vet to have his mats cut off. Older cats get matted hair on the back because they stop cleaning themselves and it is painful to them. The vet gave him a lion cut and did some blood tests.The next day he calls to say Max has blood in his urine and has thyroid problems and he is going to put him on medicine. He wanted to keep him another night.
This morning he calls and says Max is looking bad and I should put him down.He would call back in an hour. I speak to another vet and he says to try the medication first before putting him down. The cat is not in any pain so I agreed. I then went to my vet to tell him and he comes up to me and said Max is dead. He lets me see him and he's still warm.How the fuck do you bring in a cat to get shaved and two days later he is dead? I don't get it. I'm driving home crying like a little girl.

Terribly sorry to hear about this man. We had a major scare a couple years ago with our first cat and I know for a fact I'd be in your shoes if he hadn't made it. Cats are crazy, they don't rely on us like dogs but still find a way to be our companions.
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