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Old 11-01-2003, 05:33 PM   #210
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Calgary
This is probably stating the obvious, but one of the Flames' owners publically stated that the Flames will fold if there is no hard salary cap in the next labour agreement.

Although he didn't actually use the words "salary cap" like Boston owner Jeremy Jacobs, it's clear what was meant.

Calgary is actually in a better situation than many US-based franchises because they've only lost roughly $20 million over the past five years. Without a US network TV contract, that's several hundred million dollars that can't be found elsewhere. $10 million dollar contracts and $60+ million dollar payrolls are just not sustainable.

There are about 15 teams that will be in serious trouble without a hard salary cap. Relocation isn't an option as all the potential markets are taken.

Meanwhile, you have players like Shanahan who are trying to couch the players' position as taking a "moral" stance for a future generation of players. He needs to remember that for every team that contracts, there's 25 lost jobs, and increased competition for the jobs that remain. Not everyone can go and play in Europe.

I've never experienced a loss of a franchise like the Quebec Nordiques or Winnipeg Jets but I can completely understand how it leaves a bitter taste in the fans' mouths.

The entire league and its member associations need to think long and hard about the potential ramifications of not recitifying the out of control finances.
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