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Old 09-04-2012, 08:39 PM   #247
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Tampa, FL
Originally Posted by Kodos View Post
I have stayed with a dramatically-reduced meat diet since last November. When I do eat meat, it is usually fish, whereas in the past, I consumed a ton of chicken, a decent amount of beef, and very little fish. Once in a while I have beef or chicken as a treat. My weight is down from 215 or so to 200 or so. Have had some struggles over the summer with family gatherings where it was hard to eat healthy food. I do need to get myself back to being more serious about it if I want to get down to 180 or so, which is my goal weight.

My main struggle has been getting myself to exercise. The only chance I get for serious exercise is at night after the kids are in bed and I've finished preparing food and clothes for the next day at work. By 10 p.m., hopping on the stationary bike has been a bit of a hard sell. I have been walking on breaks during the day, but that isn't really enough to get the more stubborn sub-200 pounds off.

I have really struggled with giving up soda. It's the only source of caffeine that I like, and I use it as a mental crutch when I am tired. I never get to bed early enough to get a decent night of sleep.

The 3 Day Diet Weight Loss Plan Review

I've tried this fad diet a few times to kick-start my training programs and it's worked superbly. I was pushing 210 just 2 years ago and have gotten down to a manageable 180 w/3 days a week training (running is my flavor of fun)...and normally can get as low as 175 with 5 days a week training. (I run first thing in the morning...I just roll out of bed and go...20 minutes later I'm done (I typically only do 2 miles and some change)

I eat pretty good during the week and splurge a little on the on Friday night with the fam and grill something burgers/steaks/chicken at some point during the weekend. I avoid deserts/snacks (except I love me some popcorn) like the plague though...but here in Florida I subsidize my cravings with 40 calorie popcicles...hey, it's mostly ice but it's 40 calories of sweets I wouldn't normally be getting since I can't have the pie.

Last edited by Dutch : 09-04-2012 at 08:41 PM.
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