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Old 07-04-2012, 05:25 PM   #176
Fast Break Basketball
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Spokane, WA
Last fall we brought a cat into our house that we named Betty. One of my sister's friends had her and didn't really take care of her. They realized their daughter was allergic to her so they put her outside and left her to fend for herself. She just sort of hung out in their yard and they let her have some of their dogs food. They wouldn't buy her cat food. I met her and she was one of the friendliest cat's I've ever seen and just loved any attention she could get from people so I agreed to bring her home so she wouldn't have to live through another winter outside. The transition to being an indoor cat was mostly successful other than sometimes not using the litter box. The past week she seemed to not be feeling well but there was nothing too out of the ordinary. It was just a collection of small things that seemed off. She was still eating and drinking and moving around she just seemed to be a little more tired. Today when I went to check on her it was obvious something was really wrong. She had no energy and could barely stand on her own. Being a holiday the only option was the emergency vet but that wasn't something we could afford right now. We decided to try and let her rest and keep an eye on her. Soon after she developed difficulty breathing and then passed away. While I know we improved her life dramatically over the past 9 months, I wish I would've known that the small signs she was displaying actually meant there was something more going on. Her meow just seemed a little distressed in the last day or two. She was telling me something was wrong but I didn't understand. I'm fairly certain that by today whatever was wrong it was too late to stop it. I've been preparing myself for this to happen with my other cat who is 20 years old this month but can't believe how quickly Betty's condition deteriorated. She's the first pet I've actually watched pass away. I've just kind of been sitting here the rest of the day unsure what to do.
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