Thread: Severe Weather
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Old 07-02-2012, 11:02 PM   #106
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 View Post
Agreed. I heard the storm and thought it was a tornado. Loudest, scariest storm I've ever been through including a few hurricanes. The lightning was the most intense I've ever seen in my life. It felt like pure daylight out there for a few hours...

That was one of the most frightening experiences that I can remember. Hearing that extremely loud and very ominous sound, not knowing what was about to happen without having a basement and then the crash of the tree as it snapped and fell. By the time the thunderstorm actually started it felt like a relief. Though as you said, it seemed like daytime with how often it was flashing and how extremely bright each flash seemed.

Still no power. Though i have now been called twice by the electric company to tell me that power has been restored. They're just effing with me now.

On another note. Glad i didn't get that pool a couple weeks ago. It would have been smashed.

Found out that i am screwed for the cost of getting the trees taken care of. Insurance will only cover it if it hit a structure.
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