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Old 06-18-2012, 03:43 PM   #343
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
Originally Posted by Barkeep49 View Post
Basic Game Concepts

The Ship
In this game the Survivors must construct the ship they will use to escape the planet. This will happen by converting Planet Facilities into Ship Modules. The following must be present for the ship to take off:

Power Facilities (at least 4 of the 5)
Water Processing
Cargo Holds 1-3
Officers’ Offices

It is optional as to whether the other Planet Facilities are converted. Once a facility is converted into a Ship Module, it provides no benefit, except where noted, until after Lift-Off.

In this game locations act slightly differently depending on whether they are on the planet and or are part of the ship. Work must be done to convert planet facilities into Ship Modules.


Warehouses 1-5 Warehouses 1-3 are full of already harvested Crystlium and have been sealed and may not be accessed by the Survivors. Their conversion is required for lift-off. Warehouses 4 & 5 can can hold either Crystlium or Water. They both begin the game empty but can each hold up to 40 units of either water or Crystlium (or any combination of the two). Their conversion is optional for lift-off.

Slave Pens 1-5 Their conversion is optional for lift-off.
Power Facilities 1-5 Conversion of at least 4 of the facilities are required for lift-off. The ship may not lift-off (see Lift-Off below) unless the Power Facilities are undamaged. Once the ship has lifted-off the Power Facilities may not be damaged.
Water Plant Their conversion is required for lift-off.
Security Headquarters Conversion is optional, but the Brig and the Armory will not function on the ship without it.
Armory Conversion is optional, but the Security HQ must be converted for the Armory to function.
Brig No work may be done to convert the brig while there is anyone inside of it.
Crew Quarters Their conversion is required for lift-off.
Medical Facilities Their conversion is optional for lift-off.
Scientists’ Lab Their conversion is optional for lift-off.
Officers’ Offices Work may still be done after their conversion but before lift-off. Their conversion is required for lift-off.

In order to lift-off, the Power Facilities must not be damaged, the Cargo Hold must have the required amount of Crystlium, and all required buildings must be converted. The Captain orders the lift-off by posting the order in the thread. Once all conditions are met lift-off takes place immediately.

Oh now I know where britrock was getting his conversion info. A bit confused about conversion now. THought it was about convertin buildings into other things to use, but we have to convert all that stuff into a shipversion of it and after we convert it we can't use it on the planet for stuff? I guess some of it will still work other will not.
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