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Old 04-15-2012, 02:09 PM   #173
BYU 14
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: The scorched Desert
Originally Posted by rowech View Post
Thanks very much for this.

I'm just not an animal person so I want to make the best decision because ultimately, I know it will be up to me. My wife said tonight, as she was breaking down, "the dog's our baby". Now I know part of this is her inability to have children but I also worry the attachment just isn't right in that sense. The line still has to be drawn that she's a pet. Member of our family -- absolutely but we can't keep her going just for us.

I know my wife would keep her going at all costs and I know at some point, I'll have to step in and say when it's time but I don't want to make a horrible mistake of doing that way too early and regretting it.

Agree with much of what has been said Rowech and would just like to add one story of a Dog that lost it's eye as a reult of abuse and is not only flourishing now, but has been the inspiration of a new law and done an incredible amount to raise awareness and help other Dogs in need.

Again, I know this is a way different scenario, but the end result is Dogs are amazingly resiliant and Andre is a great example. I met him at a fundraiser and he is very loving Dog that still adores people and makes do just fine without his eyesight.

Miniature dog's plight opens hearts

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Last edited by BYU 14 : 04-15-2012 at 02:09 PM.
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