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Old 03-02-2012, 01:56 PM   #258
Grizzled Veteran
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Location: Minnesota
Originally Posted by Ksyrup View Post
I already knew this just based on things like the Howard contract and the Papelbon debacle (that's a great band name), but this just makes me sad to be a Phillies fan.

It's like being a Royals or Pirates fan earlier in the century, except they have enough money to overcome their willful ignorance. I mean, I'm cool with using various means to evaluate players, but they admit the only use they have for this stuff is to determine how other teams will value their players. Doesn't that tell you something?

Inside the Phillies: Who needs sabermetrics?

I liked the part at the end of the article when he talks about the A's success was mostly because of having 3 of the best pitchers in baseball. Most would probably claim the same about the Phillies and many might also claim the Phillies vastly underachived hitting wise last year.

Whether these old managers want to use it or not is up to them but not understanding it is simply inexcusable IMO. It is part of their craft.
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