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Old 10-20-2003, 10:24 AM   #168
Raven Hawk
College Starter
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Thunderdome
Yeah, I was a little worried that Kix might pull something out of his ass this week. He said that he was having team spirit problems. It looks like his team spirit problem was not so much a problem as it was an advantage.

From my point of view. I saw him PICing all the games since he lost to Cows. He unloaded on a very beatable Evil team. Not sure if he MOTS this last match or if he Normalled with POE.

I also realized that I only have 3 youngstas that I will need to train in the offseason. It would be nice to train 5 or 6, but I don't need to. One extra week of training for my older trainees won't make much of a difference. It just pushes their sales back a week or two next season.

I will PIC vs. Hulis and play the defense game, just in case I can get a tie out of it. However, I need to PIC, just in case Cows do win and I need to play a qualifier.

This has definitly been a rebuilding year for me and I may be headed into a second straight rebuilding season. It depends on what I can sell some of my players for. I finally got my head out of my ass and got a REAL training program together.

I want to thank all of you guys for pushing the Gargs to become better. I truly believe that if I didn't have the pressure of such a good division, I would have been complacent and not as aggressive in making improvements to my team.

Good luck to Hobbes this week as he now is in danger of auto relegation. Also good luck to the Aves this week as they also have a hand in -Hobbes' fate.
Owner of The Shreveport Pride in The CFL
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