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Old 01-15-2012, 08:44 PM   #98
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
In the very unlikely event that you're interested in reading and/or learning about the topic, there's quite a lot of information on the topic available.

Sites like:

Plant-based foods and prevention of cardiovascular disease: an overview

The Science Behind Clinton's Plant-Based Diet Program

Engine 2

I don't personally claim the medical or scientific expertise to arbitrate among competing claims in this area, and regret if I have left that impression.

I am a rational person, I have read quite a lot of material on this topic (including a number of detractors) and have come away very impressed that there's an awful lot to it. To me, The China Study was just immensely powerful -- with a major research study looking across one culture (and thereby removing most dramatic effects of racial/ethnic differences) the prevalence of a whole slate of diseases are powerfully connected to the presence of animal products and processed foods in our diets.

I am trying to be careful in my claims here, as well. I'm not saying that we could wipe out cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and the like with dietary changes -- while the effects are seemingly powerful in all those cases, it doesn't appear that we could simply win the battles there with diet alone. But with heart disease in particular, I believe we probably could. That's our country's number one killer by far, and it appears as though nobody needs to be dying of it.

I know I sound like a cultist here... and it's possible that this is some bill of goods designed to sell a little product and make a few people famous. Can't rule it out, I suppose.

So what's the downside if I and my family start eating way, way healthier than before? Maybe my personal risk of dying of a heart attack in my 40s or 50s drops by only 50% instead of 100%? Maybe my kids don't really make huge gains in preventing cancer, but only yield healthier bodies and minds by virtue of eating better. I can live with partial outcomes like that, I think, even if I'm being "duped" into making these healthier choices.
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