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Old 12-27-2011, 08:33 AM   #53
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Little Rock, AR
It is pretty amazing to see the difference of opinions in this thread and on the topic as a whole. I think someone made a good point that it is very similar to religion. It just goes to show that no one really knows what is best for us.

I tired the paleo diet for a little bit and got results from it. I had increased energy levels, clearer skin, etc. The only problem is you spend a lot of time cooking the food and I was too lazy for it.

The paleo diet makes the argument that modern diseases such as obesity, heart disease, and autism did not show up until the agriculture revolution. I have not seen the documentary, but I am assuming it blames meat for heart disease, etc. I don't think anyone knows what is truly correct for our bodies.

The only thing both diets seem to agree on is processed foods. So I guess if your are looking at being healthier, that is the first thing that you should cut out.
Xbox 360 Gamer Tag: GoldenEagle014
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