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Old 11-26-2011, 02:28 PM   #258
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Location: Massachusetts
Originally Posted by mckerney View Post
I'm also on board with the Geller that Travis is working with not being real, and in the next few episodes we'll probably find out that Geller is either dead or he'll be found alive outside of Florida and it will be clear that he couldn't have done the Doomsday killings.

There have been a lot of subtle hints from early on that he isn't real. One was when they were at the restaurant earlier in the season, Geller had no food or drink in front of him and the waitress only talked to Travis. Then when the waitress was tied up she only looked at Travis, not Geller even when he was touching her head. And he seems to have been standing outside Travis' sister's house for quite a while without her noticing him.

Another thing was that the Geller described by his former teachers assistant seemed to be different from the one Travis was working with. She said he was mostly an academic about revelations, and Geller would have had to have undergone a rather intense change to go from hooking up with a series grad students to killing the waitress because she'd slept with Travis.

Edit: Also, it doesn't seem like anyone has seen Geller yet other than Travis. The man who escaped the chains ran into the room were Geller had been working and didn't see him. When Dexter went after him he seemed to just be following Travis' gaze, and it seems unlikely Geller would have been able to escape out the window and get away from the church that quickly. Lastly the woman who Travis was released said she was held captive by two men but she was blindfolded the whole time and probably just assumed Geller's existence from Travis talking to him and calling him, "Professor."

I thought Geller had a cup of coffee in front of him at the diner. If not...then yeah - I'm way more on-board with this line of thinking...for sure.
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