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Old 10-06-2011, 02:04 AM   #80
Pro Starter
Join Date: Sep 2005
TCY... I'm confused. Do you think President Obama is worse than Hitler or not? You hav e said both in this thread. If you want to submit a new theme for MNF, I suggest you clarify your opinion...

As for whether the government is screwed up... Duh. Fucking duh. If you think Republicans really want to fix it you are seriously not paying attention. It is a shell game. R's want to make government smaller, but only where it doesn't effect their districts and/or campaign contributors. Sure, we could use a welfare reform (why did you pick on unemployment over welfare?) but nobody in either party has proposed making it a program that is designed to get people off it... with incentives to do so, like unemployment.

If I were to name all of the things that the government has its hands in that you take for granted, we'd be here a while... Wanna cut meat inspectors? Feel like filling potholes yourself? Want to drive across a bridge that the government doesn't give a damn about inspecting or drink water from a river that companies can dispose of whatever they wish in?

Government has its place.

But this thread was actually about a country music singer that more than half of the people out there couldn't name a single thing he sang other than the MNF theme saying something really stupid & losing that gig. I bet his dad (who he was lucky to be named after) would have been proud of him for making the simplistic Hitler comparison.

As for me, there's a tear in my beer...
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