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Old 10-05-2011, 01:47 PM   #58
TCY Junkie
College Prospect
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: TX
Originally Posted by Crapshoot View Post
Are you fucking serious? the President is comparable, neigh worse than Hitler? You need help.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Really? The guy tortured millions. The guy was the worse person to live I know. I just don't deal with hitler daily, and things the president is doing is making things I do deal with worse in the future I feel when things are already getting bad. Am I saying he's the worst president ever, no. We won't know that for years.

I just got captivated by this, that being no one knows people that abuse the system and fine with even bigger government. It should be cracked down on and not expanded til functioning properly. Let's make another department agency so we can "help" the people more. I understand why espn pulled him, just thought there might be some people on this site who would point out that the system needs to be fixed and not expanded. I had hopes of seeing that and some discussion on that matter, me I don't really want to talk about it just wanted to see it discussed. It's pretty obvious even to me that even a toddler should know that hitler was worse than the president. I guess I didn't want to bring up the system being bad because I don't want people I know hurt, but it bothers me. It's pretty fucking obvious to me things are screwed up so me saying something bad about the president to me should be reflected on that and not I agree with hank. He's a singer.
I try to open things I probably have no chance of opening.

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