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Old 09-19-2011, 08:58 AM   #295
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Originally Posted by The Jackal View Post
Yes there were some things that didn't add up (such as seeing the parchment but not picking it up) and the way in which he was encouraging us not to vote for NTN, but I'm not willing to go much beyond saying it pinged me.

This will be the last time I harp on this, but since it keeps getting harped back to me, I feel like I have to answer this one last time. I know Jackal's read it in many threads, but people new in this thread keep hearing this chestnut.

I DID NOT FIND A PARCHMENT ON THE ROAD. In the middle of the day some event occurred which moved me from the Road to the Woods. I think a similar thing happened later to anyone who might have been on the trail, and then we saw Danny swept away last night.

When it happened to me there was a long description. I had been attempting to drive CF crazy by racking up like 50 posts in the thread when I was there alone. So I think he in turn decided to write a long entertaining text for me. There was a wind, and a fog, I saw a face in the clouds. I heard chanting in some strange language, I saw a vision (A VISION, NOT AN ACTUAL ITEM, JUST LIKE I DID NOT FIND A REAL FACE IN THE CLOUDS) of a parchment with strange writing, and probably other things. A wind picked me up and took me over the bridge and through the woods and smashed me into the tree. I made several George of the Jungle jokes and we had a good time with it.

When Dubb said he had a parchment, I said I could believe that since I had seen a description of a parchment, and it sounded like Dubb's. I felt his reveal was legit, and said so, since I thought that was useful information for other players to know.

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