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Old 09-18-2011, 10:49 AM   #266
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Originally Posted by dubb93 View Post
Autumn and I also had an argument yesterday over my idea that areas would be closing each day at random to eventually "force" us all here. That was my idea on D2 and on D3 Autumn tried to play it off as his own.

Just something isn't adding up with this guy.

You disagree with me about what happened. If we were back in that thread we could solve the question. But disagreeing about what was said doesn't make me a wolf, any more than it makes you a wolf for disagreeing with me.

I'm sorry if these replies came off as heated, I'm finding it bothered me more than it probably should. I feel like all of these are really off target reasons to suspect me, and in fact are a good list of the well-formed analysis I've brought to the game. I obviously haven't explained them well to you, since you don't seem to understand any of the points I've made. Maybe Jackal can step in and let us know if I've made any sense to him.
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