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Old 09-18-2011, 10:41 AM   #263
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Originally Posted by dubb93 View Post
Later in the evening I mentioned a letter with gibberish I had found. At the time I didn't know it was in my inventory, I thought I discarded it. Autumn agrees with this and says he doesn't think it is an item b/c he saw one in his thread. Turns out I did have the letter. Autumn backtracks so heavily here I think he might have his own tire tracks on him.

All the while Autumn pushed us forward to the yard.

The next day Autumn again tried to corral us in here. Almost like he has an agenda to get us all here. He was overly pushy.

I was not pushy. I suggested where it would probably be best for us to go. Like a villager does, when playing Werewolf. I am not the kind of villager who sits back, doesn't suggest actions, and then picks apart other people's ideas. I don't think that's a useful strategy.

I did indeed see CF describe in the Road thread a parchment with strange writing, and the sound of strange voices. I then saw a face in the clouds, a wind pick me up and take me to the Woods. You know, Dubb, that I ended up in the Woods in the middle of the day, so it does not seem surprising that there was flavor text that went along with that action. The fact that it included a parchment, and you also found a parchment does not seem alarming to me. What I saw was not an item you could pick up. I'm glad you found an item you can pick up.
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