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Old 09-08-2011, 01:45 PM   #483
College Starter
Join Date: Dec 2006
Wow...a sign of true apathy in the world when FOFC has not a single comment related to the GOP debate last night until now.

Originally Posted by albionmoonlight View Post
If I had to handicap the race right now based on nothing but my gut:

Romney: 40% chance of getting nomination
Perry: 30%
Bachmann: 13%
Palin: 12%
Other: 5%

I'd say this is a pretty accurate picture, at least for the top 2 (and possibly 3). I think this is pretty much a Romney/Perry race at this point...and everybody else is just kiiding themselves.

I do find it ironic that this might be the most vulnerable a President has been in years (much worse than GWB in 2004, imho)...and we've seen the weakest turnout of candidates from the opposing party.

I actually have said that nobody would have a shot at beating Obama in 2012 barring a major economic catastrophe. I'm not so sure of that any more. I think there is a growing weariness with this economy & people are sick & tired of being sick & tired. That said...Romney or Perry (which I believe will be Romney ultimately) are still going to have to bring their A-game as it relates to the economy. And I don't think yelling "cut taxes" is going to do it.
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