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Old 08-29-2011, 10:59 AM   #466
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by panerd View Post
Well thats not really what he said but I am glad you watched it. I believe his point was that we have no money and that if we stop the war mongering we can have some of these other agencies. Oh and that he has repsesented a Gulf city for 11 terms has some insight on how FEMA works the other 360 days when there isn't a disaster.
That's actually exactly what he said. When your guy says something stupid, you can't just say that "everyone doesn't get it" when they basically repeat back his own words.

The problem with this is that it's throwing out something that should be an essential part of the government. Protecting its citizens. I'm sorry, but if there is a natural disaster, terrorist attack, or any other catastrophe, I'm happy to have the federal government step in and help. When a town in Missouri gets flattened by tornadoes, I don't want to look their way, shrug my shoulders and say "welp, I hope that little town can find a way to help those people who are trapped and don't have any food/water to survive on".
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