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Old 10-09-2003, 02:17 PM   #144
Team Chaplain
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Just outside Des Moines, IA
[b]ZFL All-Pro 1st Team:[b]
QB: Moe Sizzlack - AQ
HB: Rajah Saleem - LR
FB: Bulldozer - MW
WR: Manfred von Richthofen - PT
WR: Jackson Jackson - KX
OG: Fort Sumter Jackson - KX
OG: Tom Sanders - CH
OT: Freddie Prinze, Jr. - LA
OT: Ralph Wiggum - AQ

DT: Colonel Joseph C. McCormick III - PT
DT: Hera - BH
DE: Toby McGwire - LA
DE: All-Pro - SA
MLB: Ray Lewis - SA
OLB: Superman - MW
S: Patrick Bates - EP
CB: Paul Sorvino - LA

Kicker: Little Val Kilmer - LA

[b]ZFL All-Pro 2nd Team:[b]
QB: 'Thumbless' Jackson
HB: Randy Steele - CH
FB: Josh Hackenstein - CH
WR: The Cheat - AQ
WR: Revrew - BH
OG: Erik Flamebeard of the Neither Here Nor There - PT
OG: Stinkoman - CN
OT: Leonardo Ruis Al Elvaro - PT
OT: *Billy Milner - EP

DT: Captain Bipto - PT
DT: The Defense - FG
DE: Another Atlantis - BH
DE: Rocky - MW
MLB: Brad Pitt - LA
OLB: *Kearney - AQ
S: Troy McClure - AQ
CB: *Deion Jackson - KX

Kicker: Bruce 'I'll kick your butt' Handily - MW

*Denotes rookie
Winner of 6 FOFC Scribe Awards, including 3 Gold Scribes
Founder of the ZFL, 2004 Golden Scribe Dynasty of the Year
Now bringing The Des Moines Dragons back to life, and the joke's on YOU, NFL!
I came to the Crossroad. I took it. And that has made all the difference.
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