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Old 10-08-2003, 02:11 PM   #49
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally posted by JeeberD
Off topic, but funny (or actually rather sad):

Last week my sister took her three year old daughter to her first hockey game when the Red Wings were in town to play the Stars. Now, my sister is a HUGE Stars fan and just as huge a Red Wings hater.

Well, during the first intermission my sister asked my niece if she was enjoying the game. Her reply?

"Yeah. I like the red guys."

Damn near made my sister start crying at the loss of her daughter's innocence...

"According to Jim" had that type of a thing the other night. The kid liked his small Packers football, but not the Bears football Jim wanted him to play with. Dumb show but it entertained me for a half hour before I left the house.

As for hockey. . . Go Avs. Then don't do what baseball did. If you're going to strike, fix the damned problems in the game. The economics aren't as bad or as good as they are made out to be. Put a cap and a minimum salary base and get it over with. Whatever else they need to fix, get it fixed. Don't you dare strike for 6 months to a year and then come back with everything the way it was.

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