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Old 10-07-2003, 02:23 PM   #24
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Edmonton
I'll let Karim do a full writeup for the Flames if he is so inclined.

Quick Flames Synopsis:

As go Jerome, there go the Flames. Even with Iggy back to 110% the Flames are still going to suffer from goal drought. The departure of team cancer Chris Drury is only positive if Reinprecht and Warrener are not disappointing. Reinprecht looks good, Oleg Saprykin has made the club, and could provide some offensive spark, and great things are thought of rookie Chuck Kobasew. Is it enough to improve on their 27th place 186 goals for from last season? I would optimistically say yes, realistically say no.

The addition of Warrener helps the very young defensive core, but the absence of veteran blueliner Bob Bougher could lead to a lack of leadership on the blueline. Still, add another year to the kids, and they are looking better and better all the time.

Roman Turek is the number one goaltender, despite his inconsistency. Turek's Calgary career consists of playing brilliantly and then letting in awful goals. Which one is the real Roman? Hard to say, but if he plays like he has shown he can, and does it for 40 to 50 games during the season, the Flames will surprise a lot of people this year.

Can they make up the 17 points that kept them out of the playoffs for a league leading 7th straight year? Very Doubtful.

General Consensus: 11th in the West
Klayman's Expert analysis: I'd like to say 9th, but the Oiler fan in me says 10th in the West.
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