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Old 06-10-2011, 10:19 PM   #35
College Starter
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Houston, TX
Honestly, my general policy is to always be alive on day 4. There are enough good players in these games that I don't think any particular player being alive a few days into the game is terribly indicative of them being a wolf. It's something that's too easy to manipulate to the detriment of the village.

In this particular game, the only person we took out as a clear, this person in particular was a clear threat decision was Narc - and for good reason, since he had an awesome read on hoops at the time and would have been a major problem. But I probably wouldn't make the same move the next time.

Now, as a wolf I'm not going to advocate killing off quiet players early in the game just as a counter tactic, but I don't think the skill differential between most of the people playing is as high as maybe some other people do. I think we have a lot of pretty good players at this point.
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