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Old 05-31-2011, 01:59 PM   #97
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Surfside Beach,SC USA
I for one am glad for Batman's presence in Gotham. For far too long, its citizens, of which I am one, have had to cower in their homes not being able to trust even those we should trust the most. It is my hope that Batman and his allies like Dent, Dawes, and Gordon can take back this once bright city from the darkness that consumes it.
Checking in here, its a bit of a mystery how to play this as a citizen not knowing if we are one of the corruptible types or not, or just what effect corruption will have. I agree with Narcizo that its likely that there is some type of seer that can determine if a player is one of the corrupt or not, and likely the bad guys too. I'm hoping those with information on such matters will come out with it sooner rather than later when it is safe and/or timely to do so.

Otherwise we risk an Animal Farm like game where we concentrated on rules we were given in game as having an effect on the game-when it turns out they were just flavor (grrrr Path ). I assume the corruption effects are very real here in this game, but how much of an effect will they have I wonder?
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