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Old 05-31-2011, 01:25 PM   #88
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Gotham City's ornate spires and skyscrapers speak to a past when Gotham inspired its people and the world. Today the gray fog of pollution, the dull looks on the faces on the street speak of despair. It's a town that binds you down and squeezes the life out of you.

Or it was until lately. First Gordon, then Dawes, Batman and now Dent. These men and women have inspired the people of Gotham again. People of Gotham, some of them, have chosen to stand up to the dark forces that control their city and say no more.

However, a cornered dog only gets nastier. The mob has made itself fat off the blood of Gotham and it's not going to give up its lifestyle so easily. Faced with a town suddenly standing up to its bullies, the mob has grown more bold, more desperate. The writing is on the wall, and the battle for Gotham's soul is on. Nobody can afford to pull any punches.
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