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Old 05-31-2011, 10:45 AM   #17
High School JV
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Herndon, Va
Call me paranoid, but any piece of legislation that allows me to be detained indefinitely because of the books I take out of a library, or my internet browsing history, or electronic wire tap which requires no approval - Then I don't get to know why I have been detained and I have to prove my innocence against unseen evidence.....and this can be done to anyone of any ethnic group for any reason by nameless national security groups with little to no oversight......yep its evil.

Whilst other legislation may be/have been evil to specific groups, this one allows for something awful to be done to anybody on the basis of "National Security".
Whether or not it has actually been used this way, it provides the opportunity for evil to be perpetrated and it does it using a name that makes it seem Patriotic to do so.

Back to the President Obama signing it thing......I thought he was going to stop using this law, close Gitmo, support Gay Marriage, get the army out of foreign countries and generally make things peaceful and nice for me cynical (as well as paranoid) but I'm not seeing much success with any of this things from him.

Sorry to go on, but this is the one piece of legislation in my life time that I have opposed from its inception and the only one that makes me worry for the future of democratic government when it can be implemented by a country as great as America.
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