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Old 05-24-2011, 02:01 PM   #363
World Champion Mis-speller
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Covington, Ga.
Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo View Post
Exactly. I was reading some of the chaos over at the set in the comments thread for Episode 7, and (minor spoilers about what Lord Tywin is doing when he's introduced below), I gotta say that I agree with those who get wayyyyyyyyyyy too worked up over tiny little things
. These people who get so worked up over this stuff need to get some damn perspective and relax and enjoy the show for what it is on its own merits.

Same thing with the (spoiler for an episode 7 scene involving 2 characters, no discussion of the actual scene contents, just that it exists)
. It might seem a little weird, but it gives you a hell of a lot of the backstory of Littlefinger, and if anything, will serve to make later events even more..."WTF" to new viewers. So for everyone who's complaining about that scene being out-of-character I wish they'd just relax and realize shit can't be 100% failthful to the books and enjoy the show.

Agreed. I thought the subject of the first spoiler weird, but not so upsetting. The second shows us what they want to do with Roz, and that is fine. I can think of a good many situations they can use her to "flesh" out story lines (double entendre intended).

Last edited by GrantDawg : 05-24-2011 at 02:01 PM.
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