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Old 10-04-2003, 11:36 AM   #257
High School Varsity
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: here
I would like to file a formal protest with the medals boards. This is what happened in Mission 21:

"But suddenly the UFO door slides open, and standing in the frame is another Snakeman. Kerillini II reacts like lightning from the rear of the line, and opens up on full auto. His first shot sails into the side of the UFO, but his second sails horribly right and slams into the back of Al Hill! Oh no! Al wails in pain and falls face first in the sand! Blood wells up into the hole in his back, and starts to overflow onto the hot desert sand. Things look grim for Al! Kerillini II has shot him! Before any of the men can react, the UFO door slides shut, with the Snakeman still safe inside. Within seconds Al stops moving; he is dead! X-COM 3, Aliens 1! Damn it!"

Not panicked or mind-controlled, Kerillini shot my grandfather in the back and killed him in cold blood. At worst, he should get a Doh Medal, but he really should get a more serious medal of dishonor.


My grandfather shall not die in vain.
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