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Old 10-02-2003, 05:14 PM   #229
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
Originally posted by Godzilla Blitz
I don't know why people (other than Blade6119) think that I would be out to get them. It wasn't your fault Blade6119 made a stupid kick, just like it's not my fault when Sachmo forgets to load his Blaster Launcher before the mission. Please don't worry about that. My payback is reserved solely for Blade6119 IV and V and VI.

I think im going to have to start a little X-Com dynasy of my own....i wil name every guy godzilla blitz and send them to fight without weapons...

You can sure talk the talk sitting behind your desk, but while your cracking jokes, my guys is getting shot at point blank range 4 times by a sectoid...or was it one of our guys you ordered to attack and just lied? It wasnt a stupid kick...i guess i just dont know my own strength. Though it was funny as hell watching you get blasted back like 20 ft because of what i did...then i landed on top of you...god i love it!
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