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Old 10-02-2003, 04:47 PM   #227
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Mission 21


Mission 22

Toddiec II: Bronze Star of Terra
Toddiec II was one of three agents that held a house on our pivotal right flank in a brutal assault on a large UFO. Chief Rum went under alien control and left only Toddiec II and Klayman holding the farm. Toddiec II successfully dodged Chief and killed two aliens that threatened our position. Unfortunately, Toddiec II was killed in the same house by Sectoid fire.

Chief Rum: Yellow Pin of Cowardice
Chief was mind-controlled by aliens on the mission, severely jeopardizing our right flank. He later snapped back under our control, but his cowardice most likely cost Toddiec II his life and almost cost us our mission. Chief was killed on this mission.

Danny Van Halen: Yellow Pin of Cowardice
While holding a vital firing position on the alien UFO, Danny panicked and was out of action for several minutes, putting our mission in jeopardy.

Mission 23

Schmidty: Yellow Pin of Cowardice
Schmidty ran away from an attack on a large UFO. The fact that a blaster missile blew him to pieces does not change the fact that he ran away from fellow agents.

Mission 24

Travis: Bronze Star of Terra
Travis racked up three kills with excellent shooting on a short mission against a UFO scout.

Mission 25

Klayman: Silver Star of Terra
With our Skyranger surrounded by Snakemen and Chrysallids and getting pummeled by grenades, Klayman racked up four alien kills in the pivotal first fifteen minutes of a terror mission in Tehran. His bravery and excellent shooting most likely saved the mission and the lives of many fellow agents. Furthermore, this act of bravery distinguishes Klayman as one of our finer agents, and his Yellow Pin of Cowardice is taken from him.

Wade Moore: Bronze Star of Terra
Wade killed four aliens in the mop-up of this terror mission.
Current Blog Projects:
Final Fantasy: Lost in Japanese
Kaboom Review

Last edited by Godzilla Blitz : 10-02-2003 at 04:48 PM.
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