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Old 04-26-2011, 02:09 PM   #1155
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
Originally Posted by Autumn View Post
Wow, amazing game, CF. I know how much work flavored writeups are, but I've never seen anything this extensive. I'm incredibly impressed, and also really grateful that you put this much time into our little werewolf community. That was great.

I think the day 1 hypnosis isn't a bad move. Frankly, I think if I was a wolf I would have suggested doing something similar. The village will chase its tail for days over a move trying to figure out why it makes sense. Sometimes it's better not to make sense. Really bad luck there though with the die roll.

I did'nt have my normal time to get into the game, and I'm actually surprised I didn't get more heat than I did. I didn't feel I was playing my normal villager game. but I guess Danny wasn't around to catch me at it ;-)

I did totally peg JAG, but I can't say I contributed much else this game useful. Sorry guys.

And the funny thing about the writeups was I couldn't start on them early. Every time I tried to start working on it early, the vote/NK would change so I just had to wait.

Luckily I had the whole weekend to plan out the finale...and organize the credit sequence. That really helped. At first the pictures were just visual flavor but then they became the driving force behind the whole story. Was definitely a fun exercise.
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