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Old 10-02-2003, 03:18 PM   #224
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally posted by AStott
Grrr!!! Watch your fire, rookies! Out for another 3 weeks... How will this interact with my psi training? Can I still psi train while injured? If so, do I have to stay at the same base?

Godzilla Blitz, I certainly hope this isn't payback for what happened in my dynasty recently...

Oops. Crap. I already moved you to SAM COM. Damn it. I didn't even think about how that would affect PSI training. I'll check on that and get back to you. Illinifan is in the same boat. I'd guess that the PSI training stops when you get hurt, but I won't know for sure until someone else in PSI-training gets hurt and I can look at what the game does with them. Sorry about that. Does anybody know the answer to this, by the way?

I don't know why people (other than Blade6119) think that I would be out to get them. It wasn't your fault Blade6119 made a stupid kick, just like it's not my fault when Sachmo forgets to load his Blaster Launcher before the mission. Please don't worry about that. My payback is reserved solely for Blade6119 IV and V and VI.

All kidding aside, I finished mission 75 a couple of days ago, before you posted your latest mission. And despite Blade6119's beliefs to the contrary, I would never purposely kill or wound an agent, unless they went under mind control or got a Black Pin of Cowardice. And if I die in your Titans of Steel dynasty, I die. These are just silly games. Don't worry about me holding a grudge.
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