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Old 09-30-2003, 10:27 PM   #200
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
74th Mission: Terror in London! (Part II of II)

(previously on X-COM II)

But suddenly another Floater exits! This time the Floater gets off a number of shots at Chief, who also returns fire. Before either one can hit, the Floater switches to a grenade, tosses it at Chief, and takes cover by dropping to the ground. Crap! The grenade lands right next to Chief! Do something, Chief! Chief reaches out, picks up the grenade, and starts to toss it back at the Floater…

(the story continues…)

…but before he can release it, the grenade goes off. Chief Rum III disappears in a tremendous explosion that fills the street with smoke. X-COM 3, Aliens 1.

Breeze breaks forward from the rear of our line to try to spot the Floater through the smoke. He sees the Floater as it starts to get up. Breeze opens fire on full-auto from 30 yards away and tears the Floater apart with numerous hits! The Floater falls to the sidewalk, dead. Revenge! X-COM 4, Aliens 1.

X-COM agents fight their way across a London street. October, 2003. X-COM Archives Photo

A couple of Breeze’s shots ripped open holes in the wall of the warehouse, and suddenly, from one of these holes, plasma blasts comes flying at Breeze and Naiwf. One shot clangs off Naiwf’s armor, but he is unhurt. The two men start to return fire, but the enemy ducks out of view. Then Naiwf spots another Floater moving through a gas station that lies about 15 yards to the left of this warehouse, and is set behind one of the small houses that line the street. Damn, they’re everywhere!

We try to take care of the warehouse alien first. The wind quickly pushes the intervening smoke from the alien grenade out of the way, and Swaggs, Jfbbis, and Breeze all open fire at the warehouse front wall. Plasma blasts rip into the thing and tear massive holes in the ground floor wall. Within seconds, the wall is torn apart, and we spot the Floater inside! We shift our aim on the badly outnumbered alien as it tries to take cover behind some boxes. It never gets there though, as Swaggs sends a plasma blast crashing into its torso that drops it to the floor of the warehouse, dead! X-COM 5, Aliens 1.

While this firefight was going on, Real Deal III and Revrew complete the search of the warehouse near our Skyranger, and start to work their way up to the left side of our position.

X-COM forces search a warehouse for Floaters. October, 2003. X-COM Archives Photo

Coffee, Naiwf, and Patman II, on the left side of our advancing line of men, reach the other side of the street and start into the row of two houses to search for aliens. Patman II shuffles over closer to Breeze’s position. Naiwf blows a hole in the outer wall of the central house and starts in there. Coffee does likewise at the left house. From where Coffee is, he has a line of sight onto the gas station behind the central house, and as he advances through the living room of the house, he spots a Floater behind some gas pumps—this is most likely the Floater we saw here moments ago. Coffee takes careful aim and gently squeezes the trigger…

X-COM forces fight house-to-house in London. October, 2003. X-COM Archives Photo

…and drops the unsuspecting Floater with his first shot! Wow! Way to go! X-COM 6, Aliens 1.

Once Real Deal and Revrew reach the house that Coffee is in, we have a long line of men stretching across the entire battle zone. Revrew and Real Deal III move into Coffee’s house and the three of them prepare to advance into a small grocery store that we can see lies beyond it. Naiwf, in the central house, quickly rushes up to the second floor to confirm that it’s clear. It is free of aliens, and Naiwf moves to a second story window that overlooks the gas station.

Patman II loops around the right side of this house and advances on the gas station. As he does this, he spots another alien at the backside of the second line of pumps. Without losing a step, Patman II aims, fires, and drops the Floater with one shot! Wow! X-COM 7, Aliens 1.

Breeze starts to advance on the shot-up warehouse. To his right, Swaggs and Jfbbis advance down the long street that runs to the right of the structure. Kodos sits and waits for targets of opportunity.

X-COM forces advance down a London street. October, 2003. X-COM Archives Photo

We continue our slow advance towards the gas station. As Patman II draws closer, he spots two Floater bodies at the far end of the station. These are not Floaters that we’ve killed or shot at. We have no idea how they’ve been taken out.

Suddenly, a Reaper—a large, hairy, meat-eating alien—races into the gas station from the far end, pounces on an civilian taking cover at the side of the station, and rips the man apart. Within seconds there is nothing left except blood and guts. The Reaper then moves closer to our position, looking for more targets. Naiwf has the thing dead to rights and opens fire from his second-story window. Plasma blasts rain down on the Reaper. The startled beast tries to turn and run, but Naiwf lands two direct hits that blow chunks out of the thing’s body. It falls to the ground, dead! X-COM 8, Aliens 1.

And that’s the last alien! Wow, I thought there would be more! Tough to lose Chief Rum III—who had a lot of talent—but a one-loss terror mission is hard to complain about!

Kills: Jfbbis, 2; Kodos, 1; Patman II, 1; Naiwf, 1; Coffee Warlord II, 1; Swaggs, 1; Breeze, 1.
KIA: Chief Rum III.
Wounded: None
Attribute Improvements: Jfbbis, Kodos, Patman II, Naiwf, Coffee Warlord II, Swaggs, Breeze.
Final score: 72.
Mission Notes:
I have no idea how the two Floaters got knocked out at the back end of the gas station, but we were able to capture both of them alive. Bizarre.
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Last edited by Godzilla Blitz : 09-30-2003 at 10:31 PM.
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